Monday, December 16, 2013

This is our latest version of Crysis 3 Crack. It has everything working and we didn't find any bug yet. You can also play multiplayer and online. This version is for the PC game (sorry console owners). If you like the game please buy it and support the creators. I'll let you read a litle about the game bellow.

When the first Crysis unveiled, it quite exactly made a high-end gaming system mockery around the globe. Today, the game is still a graphical juggernaut offering an actual feast to the eyes. Besides, even the low mid range gaming systems of today may have a tough time to get into grips with its engine. When Crysis 2 launched, things were not very demanding and whilst the game was impressive graphically, it proved more open for a wide variety of gaming systems.

Crytek it appears had crossed both parts of the waterway on the last 2 titles, with one that seemed difficult to run and the other that was more reachable, and if the designers are to be trusted, they have been able to squeeze both high-end graphics and accessibility to their most recent incarnation, Crysis 3.

The game might have gained its status from epic graphics although it would not have gotten far-off if the series was not backed up with some of the greatest gaming experiences of this generation.

From the requirements stated below, it is clear that Crysis 3 is still a hard game to get up to and running, DirectX is currently a requirement despite the level that you enter at, but the specs do permit for only about any blend from the last few years for individuals on minimal budget system, provided that the resolution is not very taxing. The real magic does not occur until you strike the settings of high performance, demanding a GTX 680 quad core system.

The great thing is that Crysis 3 can run on any mid-range system without breaking any sweat, the game has robust graphic choices, and with virtual ease you are able to tailor its graphics into your system. This game is also perfect on low to mid settings.

Minimum System Requirements for Crysis 3 Crack

** Dual core CPU

** Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows 8

** 2GB memory card (Vista uses 3GB)

** DirectX 11 graphics card having 1GB video RAM

** AMD example setup: AMD Athlon64 X2 2.7 Ghz (5200+), AMD Radeon HD5770

** Intel/Nvidia example setup: Intel Core2 Duo 2.4 Ghz (E6600), Nvidia GTS 450

Recommended System Requirements

** Quad core CPU

** Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows 8

** 4GB Memory

** DirectX 11 graphics card having 1GB video RAM

** AMD example setup: AMD Phenom II X2 565, AMD Radeon HD5870

** Intel/Nvidia example setup: Intel Core i3-530, Nvidia GTX 560

High Performance System Requirements

** Most recent core CPU

** Windows 7, Windows Vista or Window 8

** 8GB Memory

** Most recent DirectX 11 graphics card

** AMD example setup: AMD Bulldozer FX4150, AMD Radeon HD7970

** Intel/Nvidia example setup: Intel Core i7-2600k, Nvidia GTX 680

Review System Specifications

** Direct X 11.1

** Windows 7 64bit

** Intel Core i5 3570K @ 4.8Ghz

** 2 x EVGA GTX 660 Ti 2GB in SLI configuration

** Kingston HyperX Predator (2 x 4GB 2400 Mhz DDR3)


This is certainly the strong feature of Crysis 3. This game does not just look excellent. It seems better than all shooters that preceded it. In fact that statement is just true should you posses the system of pushing it up to ultra although even at mid-range settings you may expect graphics better than or on par with Battlefield 3. The game’s set pieces are staggering to appear, and the use of foliage, lighting and water over the large demolition of a collapsing city are impressive to see. For individuals who simply purchase Crysis 3 for its graphics, you will never be disappointed.


On the face of affairs, Crysis 3 is your classic shooter, your badass strong guy who has to keep away an alien attack, and that is about the essentials of it all. It is a tested and tried formula and it is a game that still works perfectly.

You take charge of Prophet, improved by his ever sturdy nanosuit, and the present year is 2047. New York is plainly a cruel world of concrete, trees and abundant with enemy soldiers and aliens. Two years have gone by since the Crysis 2 events and the CELL conglomerate has a firm grip of the metropolitan, thanks to a man-made dome fitted over the whole city.

The game directs you through an exceptional story arc of betrayal, friendship and revenge culminating in several epic wars and some properly cut scenes though out that are much more interesting than what was in Crysis 2.


The game offers lots of game changing enrichments that may be unlocked during the game too. They are heavy weapon enhancements, motion tracking technology and proximity alarms, to mention but a few. This lets you adjust Prophet to your style of playing. The Crysis 3 crack will let you have the gameplay experience that the original game has.


Multiplayer is leading feature Crysis 3 and whilst this single player offers lots of gameplay to individuals who do not like online fights. You would be foregoing several hours of amusement that you simply cannot get from the single player element of the game. The multiplayer is exciting and rich, offering plenty more battles after the sole story player and whilst you may expend your first few times getting hit by those of advanced rank, sticking throughout the tough times for your foremost few levels of skills will finally pay off. Also Crysis 3 crack will let you play multiplayer.

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